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SCCASP Updates - We want your feedback!

1 Feb 2024 9:17 PM | Sherry Flores (Administrator)

Greetings SCCASP Members and Guests,

As we are diving into our second half of the school year, SCCASP is looking for nominees to recognize, PD feedback, and prospective volunteers for the upcoming school year. Please review the following to help SCCASP out, as well as some updated news for the remainder of the school year!

  • Upcoming and Final PD through SCCASP for the 2023-24 School Year: The final PD offered is Equity and Fairness in Assessment by MHS. Please note that the timeframe has been updated to 11:30am to 1:00pm on April 5th. More information to come! Note: This workshop will not be recorded. Registrants must attend the full live event to receive CEUs or a certificate of attendance. Register here:
  • End of Year (EOY) Celebration: Please note that we updated the date of our EOY Celebration to May 3, 2024 from 2:00 to 5:00pm to align with the availability of our keynote speaker. If you and/or your district would like to attend, please register individual members here: Cost to attend is free if you purchased a multi-event package, otherwise it is $30. Additionally for the EOY Celebration, nominate your colleagues for special recognition for their hard work. Share information about those that have or will be retiring this year so they may be recognized for their service and dedication. Retiree and award nomination form:
  • SCCASP Board/Volunteer Nomination Survey for the Upcoming 2024-25 School Year: SCCASP is looking for someone like you to be on the SCCASP Board and/or volunteer. Your commitment can be as little or as much as you would like based on your availability! If you'd like to know more or get acquainted, we highly encourage you to attend an upcoming Board Meeting (information can be found on our SCCASP Events page). Self-nominate here:
    • Descriptions for each Board/Volunteer position is within the survey. If you'd like to inquire further, please message us or send us an email to! (Please note that some of these positions can be a collaborative effort.) 
    • Elected Positions available: President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer-Elect (An elected position requires a vote to be on the SCCASP Board and ideally be a member of CASP. The ballot to vote will go out in Spring of 2024 and will close/be announced at the May 2024 End of Year Celebration.)
    • Volunteer Positions include: Member-At-Large, Student Representatives, LEP Representative, Social Media Committee, Newsletter Chair/Committee, Historian, Awards Chair, Membership Chair, and District Liaison.
  • Planning for Upcoming PD Events for the 2024-25 School Year: It's never too early to start planning and continue to develop our professional goals! Please complete this survey ( so we can gather interest on professional development needs from our members in order to help inform our planning for next year's workshop series. Additionally, if you know an amazing speaker within your district or network whom you'd like to refer to SCCASP for a professional development opportunity, please provide their name and contact information within the survey.

Best regards,

Sherry Flores, SCCASP President (2023-24)

santa clara county association of school psychologists

SCCASP is an official affiliate of the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP) for Santa Clara County and surrounding areas.


2010 El Camino Real #1235
Santa Clara, CA  95050

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